Police have arrested a man during a protest against Donald Trump’s election guru, Steven Bannon, who was speaking at a conference at the EICC earlier today.
Around 50 protestors turned up and one waving a placard saying ‘Nae Nazis’ with the swastika on it was arrested by Police.
Protestors turned on the police and started chanting “shame on you” as the man was placed in the back of a police van.
Mr Bannon’s support for right-wing political causes resulted in Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon withdrawing from the event when it was announced he was one of the main speakers.
Willie Black was among those protesting at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, and he claimed to give the media executive a platform would “normalise far-right ideology.”
Mr Black said: “He wants to strengthen all the right-wing organisations across Europe.
“We want to expose how his ideas are dangerous.

“We don’t want these people to be accepted as normal politicians.”
A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “A 56-year-old man has been arrested and charged with threatening and abusive behaviour at a protest in the centre of Edinburgh.
“The incident happened around 2.40pm on Wednesday 14 November in the Morrison Street area.
“A report will be been sent to the Procurator Fiscal.”