Police in north Edinburgh, in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council, are today relaunching Stronger North for 2017 following a recent unacceptable rise in anti-social behaviour and crime.
Ongoing anti-social behaviour has included use of stolen motorcycles and acts of violence. Some of these acts of violence have been directed towards police officers. Although no officers have been injured, a number of police vehicles have been deliberately damaged.
The Stronger North initiative, first conceived in 2014 as an organised approach to tackle youth disorder, anti-social behaviour and crime in the area, will see additional resources operating on an ongoing basis.

Operation Soteria, Police Scotland’s response to tackle illegal motorcycle activity in Edinburgh, is ongoing and will continue alongside Stronger North 2017.
Edinburgh Division has listened to the concerns of the local community and will utilise a full range of national police resources to tackle these local priorities. Focussed activity is planned in the coming days, on a themed basis to reinforce this point.
Additional officers will provide a very visible presence within the area and robustly tackle any criminality.
There will be additional support in place throughout from a significant number of national policing assets such as road policing, Operational Support Division, specialist crime resources, police dog handlers and the Police Scotland helicopter.
There has been a recent escalation in the number of motorcycle thefts across the city, with around 80 stolen motorcycles recovered in the north Edinburgh area this year.
This activity is fully supported by key partner agencies, including City of Edinburgh Council and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.
Chief Superintendent Kenny MacDonald, Divisional Commander for Edinburgh Division, said: “It is unacceptable for a small core group of individuals to behave in this manner and it will not be tolerated.
“Police Scotland is utilising national resources to tackle local priorities and this will be evident throughout the coming days. We will be targeting all offenders who undertake any form of anti-social behaviour or criminality.
“We recognise that this behaviour is not reflective of the North Edinburgh community. It is essential that the local community continue to work with us to apprehend those taking part in anti-social behaviour and hold them to account. Our local officers will be very visible and I would encourage any of the local community to speak to them as they are on patrol.
“If you wish to report crime in your area, you can do so by speaking to police in complete confidentiality, or by phoning Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
“By working together we can tackle anti-social behaviour and bring those responsible to justice.”
Members of the public wishing to find out more about Stronger North 2017 can following the initiative at #StrongerNorth on Twitter