Investigation launched after man found injured in Edinburgh street

Investigation launched after man found injured in Edinburgh street

Detectives are appealing for witnesses after a man was found seriously injured on Wester Drylaw Drive, Edinburgh, on Friday, 12 March, 2021.

Around 7.15pm members of the public found a man lying injured on the road.Emergency services attended and a 33-year-old man was taken to hospital for treatment to serious but not life-threatening injuries.

Extensive enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances surrounding the incident.Detective Inspector Alison MacDonald, of Edinburgh CID, said: “Detectives are currently carrying out enquiries in Wester Drylaw Drive and the surrounding area in order to establish exactly what has happened.

“I am appealing to anyone who was on Wester Drylaw Drive yesterday evening and witnessed what happened to the victim, or anything at all suspicious, to please get in touch.

“I would also urge any motorists with dash-cams who were in the area to check their footage in case they have captured anything which could be of significance to our investigation.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland via 101, quoting incident number 1498 of 13 March. Alternatively you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where details can be given anonymously.

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