Three people convicted of drugs and firearm offences in Edinburgh have been jailed.
At the High Court in Glasgow today Darren Docherty, Amanda Docherty and Dale Kerr were given a combined total of almost eighteen and a half years in prison.
Darren Docherty (33), Amanda Docherty (35) and Kerr (30) were all targeted as part of an Edinburgh Proactive CID initiative to tackle serious and organised crime in the Capital.

During Operation Erpand officers searched an address in Broomfield Crescent on Thursday 26th November 2015 and recovered a sawn-off shotgun, £100,000 worth of heroin, £32,000 of zopiclone and £30,000 of cocaine as well as £10,000 cash.
The trio were convicted on Wednesday 23rd November with Darren Docherty receiving nine-years, Amanda Docherty sentenced to five-years and Dale Kerr given four-years and five months at today’s hearing.
Detective Inspector Alan O’Brien from Edinburgh’s Proactive CID said: “The large quantity of drugs, cash and the firearm seized from the address linked to the Dochertys and Kerr demonstrated their involvement in organised crime offences including drug supply.
“Operation Erpand utilised intelligence from the public to target these individuals, gather evidence of their crimes and subsequently bring them to justice, while ensuring various harmful drugs were not distrbuted on our streets
“Tackling serious and organised crime remains a top priority for Police Scotland and we will continue to utilise all resources at our disposal to bring offenders to justice and make communities safer.
“Anyone wishing to report ongoing crime in their area can do so by contacting Police Scotland on 101 or by making an anonymous report to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”