The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) responded to 511 bonfires across the country between 3.30pm and 11.30pm and their control centres dealt with 1,100 calls from member of the public yesterday.
There were also 12 reported attacks on crews, however no injuries have been reported.
With public events cancelled amid continuing Covid-19 restrictions, the SFRS had appealed to the public to be aware of the dangers of both fireworks and deliberate fire-setting and to also consider the impact of their actions on communities and emergency services.
Assistant Chief Officer Stuart Stevens is the SFRS Director of Service Delivery said “Bonfire Night is traditionally one of our busiest night of the year.
“Our frontline crews and Operations Control personnel and support staff have shown extreme dedication over this period and I would like to pay tribute to their professionalism and resilience.
“I must also thank our partners and indeed communities across Scotland for their continuing support.”

Condemning attacks on emergency service workers, Assistant Chief Officer Stevens added “Attacks on emergency service workers are completely unacceptable.
“This type of behaviour not only prevents our crews from bringing any emergency to a safe and swift conclusion, but it can impact on our emergency service colleagues including the police when they must escort us at the scene.
“This type of behaviour is, of course, carried out by a very small minority and we once again thank our communities for their continuing support and working together with us to stay safe.”